Find More Investment Opportunities Worldwide with GlobalAnalyst

GlobalAnalyst is designed for investors who are interested in international portfolio diversification. It helps you find new opportunities to diversify your portfolio and discover undervalued companies that may have greater growth potential.

Compare the relative value of global stocks by region, country, industry or individually, and display metrics in one of 27 currencies. Use GlobalAnalyst to analyze current market or financial metrics such as P/E/G ratio (PE divided by three-year compound earnings growth rate). PEGs below 1.0 suggest an undervalued company, while a value over 1.0 suggests an overvalued company.

In addition, you can use the Industries filter to search across any of 10 business sectors and apply filters by region, country, and market capitalization. Already have a short list of companies? Click Your Companies to enter up to 25 symbols of interest. Try GlobalAnalyst today!

The projections or other information generated by Interactive Brokers' GlobalAnalyst tool regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. Please note that results may vary with use of the tool over time.

IMPORTANT: Corporate data is provided by third-parties, and Interactive Brokers makes no warranties as to the accuracy of that data. You should do your own due diligence prior to relying on any such data displayed in GlobalAnalyst.


Zero Commission Isn't the Same as Free

Tell your Friends and Colleagues that Interactive Brokers Clients Receive Significant Savings vs. Other Brokers

US Stock Trading Costs for UK Residents

The comparison to other providers is based on the rates published on their websites as of 6 December 2021 for deals in US stocks.
Providers' account types used for this illustration are what we consider default standard tier.1

  Total Trade Cost2 Advertised Rates3
Broker 50 shares
US Stock
FX Conversion
Interactive Brokers £1.91 £2.05 £2.59 £0.00264 £1.514
Degiro £5.43 £12.93 £25.43 05 0.25%
Freetrade £9.00 £22.50 £45.00 06 0.45%
eToro £10.00 £25.00 £50.00 0 0.50%7
IG £10.00 £25.00 £50.00 08 0.50%
Saxo £27.55 £57.55 £107.55 £7.559 1.00%
AJ Bell £29.95 £59.95 £109.95 £9.9510 0.25%-1.00%10
Hargreaves Lansdown £31.95 £61.95 £99.45 £11.9511 0.25%-1.00%11
Interactive Investor £37.99 £82.99 £157.99 £7.9912 1.50%12

[1] DISCLAIMER: Comparison to other providers is based on our understanding of their published rates for trading US shares available on their websites as of 6 December 2021. Some providers offer multi currency accounts which were not considered in the comparison. We assumed account based currency is GBP. The comparison is shown for illustrative purposes only. For confirmation of the most up to date competitor rates on different account types and product information you should visit their websites.
[2] "Total cost" considers execution commission and fx conversion costs charged by the providers. In the case of IBKR, and some other providers where readily disclosed, we have additionally included regulatory, clearing and exchange fees that are passed through to the client on a transactional basis.
[3] For comparison purposes, we have converted "Advertised Rates" to GBP. The GBP/USD FX rate we used in the comparison table is 1.325.
[4] IBKR Pro, tiered stock commissions of $0.0035 per share + exchange, regulatory and clearing fees. IBKR FX commissions are 0.02%, with a minimum of $2.00. Full rate card is available by visiting
[5] Degiro fees effective Dec 20, 2021, €0.50 (£0.425) per trade handling fee. Assumed that the trade is placed via Auto FX Trader (additional €10.00 applies for foreign currency conversion via a manual trade).
[6] Rate for General Investment Account type at Freetrade.
[7] Lower rates might be available to Diamond, Platinum and Platinum + members at eToro.
[8] We assumed client has traded at least 3 times in the previous calendar month to meet IG's requirement for £0 US stocks commission.
[9] Saxo minimum US stock commission is USD 10.00 for the Classic account type.
[10] AJ Bell's FX conversion rates are tiered. £9.95 fee for trades on US shares per deal based on less than 10 deals in the previous month.
[11] Hargreaves Lansdown's FX conversion rates are tiered based on the deal value. £11.95 commission rate based on 0-9 deals in previous month.
[12] Interactive Investor's FX conversion rates are tiered based on the deal value. £7.99 commission rate for Investor account type. The illustration does not include cost of the account monthly service plan and £7.99 monthly free trade credit.

When you invest, your capital is at risk. The value of your portfolio can go down as well as up, and you may get back less than you invest.



Sustainable Investing.

Use the IMPACT App to find and invest in companies that share your values.

IMPACT is a patent pending mobile trading application designed to help investors align their investments with their values. The app's simple and intuitive design streamlines the sustainable investing process for any investor. Define your personal investment criteria from among 13 impact values, and then use IMPACT to score your portfolio and identify companies that are more aligned with your values.

IMPACT also includes a "Swap" feature that gives you the ability to swap positions in the same dollar amount from one security to another. With a tap, you can buy and sell securities simultaneously, based on the comparative impact scores of one company versus another.

As an Interactive Brokers client, you can download the app and immediately log in using your existing credentials. Make an impact – download IMPACT, show the app to your friends, and use the app to better align your portfolio with the kind of world you want to create!

Download on the App Store

Get it on Google Play

The IMPACT application is a product of Interactive Brokers ("IBKR") that allows clients to generate analysis of their IBKR brokerage accounts using environmental, social, and governance ("ESG") data provided by unaffiliated third-party data providers along with proprietary in-house algorithms and trade and account data contained in IBKR's systems. For more information, please see the "Interactive Brokers Disclosure regarding Use of IMPACT Dashboard and IMPACT App."

The risk of loss in online trading of stocks, options, futures, currencies, foreign equities, and fixed income can be substantial.


Thomas Peterffy Presents at Goldman Sachs 2021 US Financial Services Conference

On December 7, 2021, Thomas Peterffy, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors at Interactive Brokers, reviewed Interactive Brokers’ continued growth at the Goldman Sachs US Financial Services conference. Highlights include:

  • Nearly 1.6 million client accounts as of September 30, 2021, a 57% growth from the previous year.
  • Highly automated processes, which allows us to clear and settle over 2.5 million trades per day, across multiple product classes and in multiple currencies, on over 135 market centers in 33 countries.
  • Recent enhancements and new products, including the IMPACT App, cryptocurrency trading and the elimination of monthly account inactivity fees.
The full presentation and a recorded version of the presentation are available for review on our investor relations website or via the links below.
IBKR Trading Platform

New Tools

New Features Added to IBKR Trading Platforms

We recently added functionality to Trader Workstation (TWS) and Client Portal to deliver a powerful and seamless trading experience across our platforms, whether you are trading from your desktop or on-the-go.

Client Portal
  • Quote Bar Icons: Just below the contract in Quote Details we show a collection of icons that provide at-a-glance information. Click the row of icons to see region and trading venue, required margin and Short Stock availability.
  • New Product: Support for trading Options on Futures (FOPs) added.
  • Exit Strategy: Easily set up an exit strategy for your orders using the Exit Strategy link at the bottom of the Order Ticket. Define a bracket order to capture profit (Profit Taker) and help minimize loss (Stop Loss). Use one or both orders and modify as needed.
  • Order Presets: Bracket order presets defined in TWS will be recognized when you use a bracket order in Client Portal.
Trader Workstation (TWS)
  • Improved Events Calendar: Use filters to view only companies in your portfolio and Watchlists, limit the events display to specific types, like corporate actions, corporate events, economic events, Econoday events and more. Or, turn off filters and see more. Use the Calendar widget to choose the view; see events for today, or view past and future events.
  • Trading Central Analytics: Trading Central content has been added to Fundamentals Explorer, providing more technical analytics to help you better identify trading opportunities. To access Trading Central Analytics, open Fundamentals Explorer and use the Analyst Ratings, Technical Insights and Value tabs.
  • Trade Worldwide: News feed now available in TWS.

Visit the Release Notes section of the Documentation page to find out more about recent enhancements.



New Tools

New Portal Features for Advisors and Brokers

We recently added functionality to Advisor and Broker Portal to make it easier for you to manage your business.

  • Trade Directly from Portal: You can now create and place orders directly from Portal by using the Trade button.

    Advisor Portal User Guide

    Broker Portal User Guide

  • Client Report Delivery: Create custom statements, flex queries, and PortfolioAnalyst reports on behalf of clients and configure the reports to be delivered directly to the client's email address.

    Learn How
  • Expanded Data Queries: Drive engagement, uncover hidden client dynamics, spot niche opportunities, or develop "mass customization" capabilities by segmenting your client base.

    Advisor Portal User Guide

    Broker Portal User Guide

Please note that WebTrader was discontinued as of October 31, 2021.

If you were a user of WebTrader, please switch to Portal, IBKR Mobile or Trader Workstation.

Visit the Release Notes section of the Documentation page to find out more about recent enhancements.



The New Standard for Portfolio Management Software and Account Aggregation

PortfolioAnalyst offers multi-custody solutions, advanced reporting, global support, benchmarks, risk metrics, GIPS® verified returns, and powerful on-the-go analytics.1 Whether you are new to trading, an advanced investor or a financial advisor, PortfolioAnalyst is free to use.

PortfolioAnalyst consolidates, tracks and analyzes your complete financial performance. Link your investment, checking, savings, annuity, incentive plan and credit card accounts to understand your current and historical financial state and plan for the future.

IBKR clients enjoy free, full access to PortfolioAnalyst's advanced features and receive real-time updates regarding their IBKR portfolio positions. Simply log in to Client Portal to access PortfolioAnalyst.

We recently released the following enhancements to PortfolioAnalyst:
  • Model Portfolios Have Arrived
    Performance analysis on individual and consolidated model portfolios is now available.

    Get started today:
    • Activate model portfolios in PortfolioAnalyst
    • Create custom model reports
    • Enable model reports for delivery
  • Client Report Bulk Delivery
    Advisors and brokers are now able to configure default and custom report delivery for all client accounts in bulk.
  • New Allocation and Performance by Region Report
    • Legacy report Allocation by Region has been replaced with our new Allocation and Performance by Region report.
    • The allocation section now offers amount and percent change over time. Δ represents change.
    • The performance section now offers MTM performance represented in amount and percent.
    • Changes apply to PDF and CSV.
  • New Configuration Tab
    • Create amount or percent target allocations for asset and sub-asset classes.
    • Custom benchmark configuration has been moved from the Reports tab to the Configuration tab.
  • New Allocation Goals Report
    • View your current vs. target asset and sub-asset class allocations for seamless portfolio rebalancing.
    • Changes apply to PDF and CSV.
  • Master External Account Access
    • External accounts no longer need to be added at the client level.
    • Advisors and brokers can now add external accounts. Account types include brokerage, bank, credit cards, annuities, incentive plans, mortgages, student loans, and more. Login with your master user, navigate to PortfolioAnalyst > External Accounts to leverage our multi-custody solutions.

[1] In April 2021, PortfolioAnalyst was verified as calculating Time-Weighted Returns and Money-Weighted Returns in accordance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) calculation methodologies. GIPS was developed by the CFA Institute, is used by investment management firms around the world, and establishes standards for investment performance, making it easier for you to compare firms and make more informed investment decisions.

GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.


New Funds and Fund Families
Available at the Mutual Funds Marketplace

The Interactive Brokers Mutual Funds Marketplace provides clients from over 200 countries and territories with access to more than 45,000 funds from 475 fund families, including Allianz, American Funds, BlackRock, Fidelity, Franklin Templeton, Invesco, MFS and PIMCO.

Unlike most firms, IBKR never charges a custody fee. In addition, we offer over 7,700 funds with no transaction fees and low, transparent commissions. Inside the US, commissions are the lesser of USD 14.95 or 3% of trade value, while fee funds outside the US are EUR 4.95 (or equivalent).

To help provide you with a broad selection of funds, we recently added the following fund families to the Marketplace:

Global Fund Families
  • Andbank Asset Management
  • Baillie Gifford & Co. Ltd.
  • Credit Suisse Funds
  • DNCA Finance
  • Edmond de Rothschild Europe
  • First Sentier
  • FundPartner Solutions
  • GaveKal (IE)
  • Guinness Atkinson Funds
  • Henderson Management (LU)
  • IFSL (IE)
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
  • Man Asset Management
  • Pareturn (LU)
  • RWC Partners
US Fund Families
  • Ariel Funds
  • Axonic Funds
  • Easterly Funds Trust
  • Kayne Anderson Funds
  • Sphere Funds
  • Stone Ridge Funds
  • Value Line Funds

In February 2021, Benzinga recognized Interactive Brokers as the Best Broker for Mutual Funds. Visit the Mutual Funds Marketplace to learn why.

New Products

Find Your Next Opportunity at the Bonds Marketplace

Search for the best yields from a vast universe of bonds from issuers in the Americas, Europe and Asia in our Bonds Marketplace. IBKR provides direct market access at a low cost to a wide array of corporate, government and municipal securities. Our clients get the best bids and offers with low, transparent commissions and no hidden mark-ups.

Browse availability with our Bond Search Tool and:

  • Use filters like Maturity Date to find and invest in companies that suit your strategy. Plot results based on Yield to Worst and Duration to dive deep and compare issuers.
  • Easily place orders by copying your results into a watchlist or exporting your list.
  • Save your scan and run it again at any time if you need to find other similar bonds.


Global Corporate Bonds




US Treasuries


US Municipal Bonds


Non-US Sovereign Bonds

In February 2021, Benzinga recognized Interactive Brokers as the Best Broker for Bonds. Visit the Bonds Marketplace to learn why.


Additional News and Research Providers Available on the IBKR Platform

Our clients enjoy access to dozens of free and premium market research and news providers. New providers include:

MacroRisk Logo

MacroRisk Analytics was created by a group of veteran Economics and Finance PhDs who have published extensive academic research explaining the foundations and evidence supporting their model. They also have over 10 patents that cover their methodology. MacroRisk Analytics is a two-time winner of the William F. Sharpe Indexing Achievement Award, given at the Global Indexing & ETFs conference, sponsored by IMN and Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC. MacroRisk Analytics research reports are provided via their MacroRisk Research service.

The Economy Matters Research Reports:

  • The Economy Matters research reports provide a scientifically tested methodology for measuring the economy’s influence on investment prices, including 30,000 stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs. The Economy Matters tools help investors reduce their economic risk exposure, while also identifying opportunity in the current economic climate.

The Economy Matters Research Report Previews:

  • Provides executive summaries on each of The Economy Matters Research Report.

To subscribe to MacroRisk Analytics, log in to Client Portal, click the head/shoulders icon and click User Settings > select Research Subscriptions > select the Current Research Configuration icon.

QuantConnect  Logo

QuantConnect is a leading algorithmic trading platform, with 10 years of experience and more than 8 million algorithms designed by its 160,000 strong quantitative community. Its cloud provides terabytes of free historical financial and fundamental data to test your strategies.

Available Products:

  • QuantConnect – Research Pack
  • QuantConnect – Trading Pack

To subscribe to QuantConnect, log in to Client Portal, click the head/shoulders icon and click User Settings > select Research Subscriptions > select the Current Research Configuration icon.

trade ideas Securities Group Logo

Trade Ideas is a cloud-based AI stock market analysis platform. Trade Ideas’ AI watches every stock and ETF in real-time to identify opportunities everyone else is missing.

Available Products:

  • Trade Ideas Pro – Standard
  • Trade Ideas Pro – Premium
    Includes decision analytics, themed channels, charts, alerts, simulated trading, and specific AI channels.

To subscribe to Trade Ideas, log in to Client Portal, click the head/shoulders icon and click User Settings > select Research Subscriptions > select the Current Research Configuration icon.

Coming Soon
Quantum Research Group Logo

Quantum focuses on emerging growth public companies that are seeking detailed equity analysis and extensive distribution aimed at the investment community. Quantum has a strong proven track record in the fields of Biotechnology/Pharma, Technology, Telecommunication, Media/News, Transportation, Insurance and Fintech.

Quantum Research is a complimentary service.

More Reasons Than Ever to Visit

IBKR Campus is your one-stop destination for learning about the markets, products and tools available to you at Interactive Brokers, while improving your understanding of current events and financial technology.

Students at computers
Traders' Academy Logo

Traders' Academy offers more than 50 courses on investment products, IBKR trading tools, portfolio and risk analysis, investment analysis, APIs, advisor tools and taxes.

Trading Crypto
During the past decade, so-called cryptocurrencies have risen in prominence to become an asset class with significant momentum. Use this course to learn more about cryptocurrencies and trading the asset class within TWS.

IBKR Webinars Logo

Watch, listen and learn about current market topics, IBKR tools and more by participating in any of our free webinars or browsing our extensive offering of recorded webinars.

Traders' Insight Logo

Watch or read market commentary and analysis from more than 90 industry sources, including IBKR's Chief Strategist Steve Sosnick and Senior Analyst Steven Levine.

Traders' Insight Logo

A free online resource for educators looking to blend finance or computer science classwork with real-world trading experiences.

IBKR Quant Logo

A blog for quantitative professionals with an interest in programming, deep learning, IBKR API, AI, Blockchain and other transformative technologies influencing modern markets.

Connect with IBKR on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube
Traders' Insight:

IBKR Quant:

Student Trading Lab:


2022 Calendar App

New Products

2022 Trading Calendar

International Trading Calendar Holiday and Expirations HTML App

Our calendar displays exchange holidays and contract expiration dates for the major exchanges and products around the world. Use the HTML Calendar App on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device.



IBKR Accolades

Interactive Brokers received industry-wide recognition for its low costs, global product selection and premium trading technology during 2021. - Best in Class Overall

  • 5 out of 5 stars Overall
  • #1 for Professionals
  • #1 New Tool
  • #1 for Offering of Investments
  • #1 International Trading
  • #1 Futures Trading Annual Review

  • 4.5 out of 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Offering of Investments
  • 4.5 stars Commissions & Fees
  • 4.5 stars Platform & Tools
  • 4.5 stars Research

Preqin Annual Review

  • Featured as a Top Hedge Fund Prime Broker
  • Featured as a Top Hedge Fund Custodian

Recognized as Best Online Broker

Interactive Brokers was recognized by Benzinga as Best Online Broker for Bonds and Best Online Broker for Mutual Funds

  • Best Online Broker for Bonds
  • Best Online Broker for Mutual Funds

Stocks & Commodities Readers' Choice Awards

  • Winner 2021 Stock Brokerage
  • Winner 2021 Futures Brokerage
  • Winner 2021 Forex Brokerage

Supporting documentation for any claims and statistical information will be provided upon request.

Options and Futures are not suitable for all investors. The amount you may lose may be greater than your initial investment. Before trading options read the “Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options”. Before trading futures, please read the CFTC Risk Disclosure. Copies of these disclosures are available here.

Any trading symbols displayed are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to portray recommendations.

The risk of loss in online trading of stocks, options, futures, currencies, foreign equities, and fixed income can be substantial. Options are not suitable for all investors. For more information read the "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options". For a copy click here.

Investing in financial products involves taking risk. Your investments may increase or decrease in value, and losses my exceed the value of your original investment.

Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Reference Number 208159.

Interactive Brokers Ireland Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Interactive Brokers Central Europe Zrt is regulated by the MNB.

Interactive Brokers LLC is regulated by the US SEC and CFTC and is a member of the SIPC ( compensation scheme;
products are only covered by the UK FSCS in limited circumstances.

Before trading, customers must read the relevant risk disclosure statements on our Warnings and Disclaimers page.

For a list of IBG memberships worldwide, click here.